Download Fiddler from and install it.
Open Fiddler and go to Tools -> Options -> HTTPS tab. Enable Decrypt HTTPS traffic. You will be prompted to install the Fiddler Root certificate (this step requires elevated permission).
Close Fiddler.
Download and unzip Process Monitor from
Search for
in Windows and openEdit the system environment variables
and click the Environment Variables... button to open the editing page.Create a new user variable as follows:
Variable name: ENABLE_HEAP_DUMPS
Variable value: 1
The setting will only take effect after you close all existing Edge processes (msedge.exe) and start a new Edge window.
in Edge and disable Startup boost.If the setting is greyed out, please launch a CMD or PowerShell window as administrator and execute following command:
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge" /v StartupBoostEnabled /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f